Why the Ocean Matters

Why the Ocean Matters

A healthy ocean means a healthy planet!


3 - 12+


Biology, Earth Science

With every breath we take, every drop we drink, we're connected to the ocean. Our planet depends on the vitality of the ocean to support and sustain it. But our ocean faces major threats: global climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, invasive species, and a dramatic decrease in ocean fish stocks. These threats to the ocean are so extensive that more than 40 percent of the ocean has been severely affected and no area has been left untouched. Consequently, humanity is losing the food, jobs, and critical environmental services that a healthy ocean generates. National Geographic Society's Ocean Initiative aims to restore health and productivity to the ocean by inspiring people to care and act, reducing the impact of fishing, and promoting the creation of marine protected areas.

Watch this video during formal or informal instruction to explain to students why a healthier ocean means a healthier planet. Covering 72 percent of Earth and supplying half its oxygen, the ocean is our planet's life support system. This video dives into why the ocean is important and some of the biggest threats it faces.

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Mary Ford, National Geographic Society
Jessica Shea
Page Producer
Samantha Zuhlke, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

April 29, 2024

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